
KCA believes in the power of groups where individuals struggling with similar issues can grow in a safe environment with others just like them. Scroll down to read more about the different groups we offer.

Adult interacting with children


Future groups including learning the TBRI model and implementing it with your children. This includes parents, caretakers (school, church, day-care workers of your children) and family members. More information will be posted when these groups become available. pic parent with child

creative Arts GRoups

These groups are usually 6 weeks in length, and are offered to clients working through similar issues through a hands-on approach that is designed for anyone, especially including those who do not consider themselves artists. The purpose to help reduce negative long- and short-term effects of their concerns through building connection with others, reducing a sense of isolation, creating opportunities for added insight and awareness, and developing a healthier sense of self. Contact KCA for more details and cost.

Woman painting
A supporting Group


These are adult groups designed to reach adults who wish to grow emotionally, relationally and spiritually, and learning the role of past events impacting their present level of functioning. This is a group for those who have already experienced individual therapy and are ready and willing to go deeper in a group setting.